Moc Pomocy Foundation was established in February 2019 on the initiative of Rafał Mikołajczyk and Bartosz Kaczmarek. The foundation's mission is to provide comprehensive assistance to people after accidents and serious illnesses, and also to make people aware of their options and potential despite their disability. It is worth noting that in order to meet the assumed goals, the foundation simultaneously conducts several socially significant projects related to helping people with disabilities.
One of them is the nationwide "Po Amputacji" program implemented as a response to the emerging needs of amputees across the country. Its purpose is to provide comprehensive support for people after amputation by providing specific knowledge on how to proceed after surgery and about preparation of the prosthesis through proper treatment of the residual limb.
The client wishes to get a mobile application that would meet the assumptions presented. By way of cooperation, we created a dedicated application supporting the After Amputation program. The app is available for download for iOS and Android.
As we created the application from scratch, and the client trusted us as to the method of implementation, we chose AWS technology to create the backend, including: DynamoDB and Lambda (Python). The AWS platform, due to its ease of maintenance, API and database transparency, this was was the best choice. The application was written in React Native so that users can on Android as well as iOS. An additional element contributing to the improvement of communication was integration with an email server via the Mail API.
Thanks to the app we created, amputees who are before, during or after rehabilitation are received a new form of support and a source of valuable information which could be helpful in finding themselves in the new situation.
This project gave us the opportunity to get acquainted with the Moc Pomocy Foundation and was an introduction to another, this time larger, implementation. The second project commissioned by the Foundation is the internet platform "Mam MOC!".
A fundraising platform, also known as a crowdfunding platform, "Mam MOC!" is not only an opportunity to collect the necessary funds with the help of the Foundation, but also support in the field of rehabilitation, assistance in the selection of orthopedic equipment, psychological consultations, and if necessary, also legal advice.
Although the competition among such websites on the Polish market is fierce, the Foundation decided to create its own platform, because they already had a large base of beneficiaries and people willing to make payments to specific people in need. Many of such platforms make a profit from the collections they put up, but in this case the Foundation set out to make it a nonprofit project. A web application, such as a collection platform, must share common features with similar solutions so that users know what they are dealing with at the first interaction. Usability, legibility and intuitiveness are more important than visual impact.
We have created a fundraising platform for the Foundation which includes the typical functionalities of such services. Therefore, we can view fundraisers, utilise several important filters, deposit funds, set up an account for a person in need or a donor and, of course, set up fundraisers. The user who wants to set up a fundraiser is verified and must be approved by the foundation's administrator. Payments can be made using the popular payment method in Poland, the Przelewy24 method, as well as via PayPal. With regards to the back end, we developed a dedicated billing system. It allows the Foundation to create various statements and reports, including, of course, the settlement of specific collections.
We created the back-end of the application using the Django REST framework, while Angular was used to write the front-end. The platform uses the PostgreSQL database, and the entire system is created using AWS technology.

In conclusion, as part of cooperation with the foundation, we have created two applications, one mobile and the other web. We are proud that the results of our work make it easier to assist so many people in need. The Moc Pomocy Foundation is delighted with thier cooperation with ImpiCode, as evidenced by the references provided.

In the course of cooperation, ImpiCode specialists have demonstrated professionalism and high qualifications in the field of design and development of applications in mobile and web technologies, efficient management, as well as the ability to communicate well.