Contact us

Sales department:
Grzegorz Papaj
Sales Manager
+48 725 430 902
Our location
Our office is located in the center of Europe. Warsaw is one of the top tech hubs in Central and Western Europe. Poland is regularly ranked in global studies (such as the Kearney Global Services Location Index) as one of the best outsourcing destinations. Key factors placing Poland on this position are extensive knowledge of modern technologies and a business-friendly environment. Poles are known as ambitious and hard-working people and that’s why we are among the best developers in the world.
Poland’s location has numerous benefits for businesses. The GMT+1 time zone enables effective communication between us and our European partners. There is practically no time zone difference (up to a maximum of 2 hours) between Poland and other European countries. Moreover, there is an overlap of office hours between Poland and the USA, and between Poland and the Middle East.