Python real world applications
Science Python is very often used by scientists from various fields. It is used by bioinformatics, engineers, mathematicians, astronomers and cognitive scientists. Below are some of the tools available in Python used in specific fields of science. Bioinformatics The most popular Python package used in Bioinformatics is Biopython. It supports Clustal, FASTA and GenBank file […]
Maciej Mazurek, 20 January 2020

Simple neural network
Introduction The purpose of this article is to present the concept of neural networks, specifically the feedforward neural network, by constructing a simple example of such a network in Python. The neural network is a statistical computational model used in machine learning. You can think of it as a system of neurons connected by synapses […]

Increase in the demand for software developers
According to many USA reports, there will be from several hundred thousand to over a million vacancies for programmers in 2020. The world starts to approach to this reality by several week courses for future masters of coding. The following article include analysis of this phenomena, which can be seen in the industry or will […]
Piotr Lewandowski, 19 October 2018