Recruitment Challenges in the IT Industry
In the previous articles, we wrote about how the process of recruiting developers’ works and what are the most common problems faced by companies in this process. It’s time to look at the sources of such difficulties. Common problems Let’s start with a reminder of what problems companies employing developers most often experience: Expected CVs […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 9 December 2019

The most common problems when recruiting developers
In the previous article, we wrote about how the recruitment process work in a model situation. Unfortunately, not always everything goes according to plan and various problems may arise. When can the process of recruiting developers fail? Below are the most common problems in developer recruitment for IT positions. Lack of experts on the market? […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 22 October 2019

How does the recruitment process work?
The recruitment of developers can be a pain in the neck for the HR department. Opinions about the candidates available on the labor market oscillate between “spoiled specialists” and “incompetent juniors with no experience”. So how is it with developers? Is there any chance to find the right developers on the labor market? This text […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 15 October 2019