Junior developer, senior or maybe mid?
Nowadays, there is a trend in the developers’ environment to define the level of advancement of developers as “junior developer”, “senior developer”, “mid” or “mid level” sometimes also described as “regular”. Everyone seems to use these terms. But what exactly do they mean? Approaching the topic with a certain degree of malice, one could say […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 16 December 2019

Recruitment Challenges in the IT Industry
In the previous articles, we wrote about how the process of recruiting developers’ works and what are the most common problems faced by companies in this process. It’s time to look at the sources of such difficulties. Common problems Let’s start with a reminder of what problems companies employing developers most often experience: Expected CVs […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 9 December 2019

The most common problems when recruiting developers
In the previous article, we wrote about how the recruitment process work in a model situation. Unfortunately, not always everything goes according to plan and various problems may arise. When can the process of recruiting developers fail? Below are the most common problems in developer recruitment for IT positions. Lack of experts on the market? […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 22 October 2019

How does the recruitment process work?
The recruitment of developers can be a pain in the neck for the HR department. Opinions about the candidates available on the labor market oscillate between “spoiled specialists” and “incompetent juniors with no experience”. So how is it with developers? Is there any chance to find the right developers on the labor market? This text […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 15 October 2019

Should you build your own software development team?
There is practically no serious business that doesn’t rely on digital solutions. Nowadays, many companies use ready-made software available on the market. Nevertheless, along with the growth and specialization of business, there often appears the need to create dedicated software (you can read more about it in the article “Ten advantages of custom software”). Dedicated […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 4 October 2019

E-Boat hackathon
Just a few days ago we had the pleasure of participating in the E-Boat startup accelerator, organized by EIT Health. Our role was to support startups in the process of developing new mobile applications for healthcare, with particular emphasis on universal design. A week aboard a schooner Kapitan Borchardt, a seagoing cruise from Gdansk to […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 30 September 2019

IT product development – scaling up
I was motivated to write this article by our last clients’ situations, who had a lot in common despite being from different sectors of the market. Situation plan Here are some aspects that these clients have in common: They offer B2B IT products. They were founded by developers who were the first coders in the […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 10 September 2019

What is the benefit from an experienced Senior Developer?
Experienced developer in IT industry is indisputable value in every company. However, it is necessary to think about what tasks should be assigned to such expert. Very often companies makes basic mistake hiring a such specialist to write a regular code and to do other relatively simple tasks. They don’t profit from potential of this […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 24 July 2019

How to write a good software requirements specification (SRS)?
Creating a good software requirements specification (SRS) significantly increases the chances that the outcome of a project will meet the needs of the client. However, many people find it quite difficult to create a specification that is understandable and clear to the dev team. So, what is necessary to write a good IT project specification? […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 1 July 2019