Ten advantages of Custom Software
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a serious company operating without the support of technological solutions. One of the main objectives of IT systems is to automate business processes, help employees, increase their work efficiency, and reduce costs. IT solutions are used by large corporations, international organizations, banks, as well as startups, and small and […]
Piotr Lewandowski, 30 June 2021

IT systems – common problems
Troublesome IT systems Basically every Chief Information Officer has somewhere in the back of mind disturbing thought about one (or several) troublesome IT system. This thought stays dormant, but unfortunately it returns from time to time, evoked by some problem, failure or another intrusive question from business department about new functionality. But even, if none […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 21 October 2020

How to write a good software requirements specification (SRS)?
Creating a good software requirements specification (SRS) significantly increases the chances that the outcome of a project will meet the needs of the client. However, many people find it quite difficult to create a specification that is understandable and clear to the dev team. So, what is necessary to write a good IT project specification? […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 1 July 2019

What are the causes of delays in projects?
Exceeding the deadline is quite common in IT projects. According to a survey conducted by Pmreaserch.pl, as many as 61% of projects are completed after the deadline, just 33% on time, and only 6% ahead of schedule. Thus, the efficiency of project implementation is usually quite low. What are the reasons for delays in IT […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 12 June 2019

When is it a good idea to rewrite your system to new technology?
There is no clear answer as to whether it is better to improve an existing system or write it from scratch in new technology. Each time the solution should be adjusted to the specific situation, taking into account both technical details and business issues. In what cases it is better to rewrite the application? Find […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 23 May 2019

Modifying systems – software life cycle
Business IT systems are not only used at large enterprises. They are also implemented in small companies due to the need for digital transformation to satisfy customers’ needs and compete in the market. As a result of the increasing popularity of dedicated software improving work and providing the ability to constantly meet market needs, more […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 5 April 2019

The modernization of Visual Basic application
Back in the days when web technologies were not commonly used, one of the most popular technologies for developing business applications was Visual Basic. Today there are still many systems written in this language, although their days are numbered. Microsoft has not officially supported the VB 6.0 development environment for over a decade. Lack of […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 1 March 2019

Change of an information system provider
It often happens that after a long period of collaboration an organization changes the IT service provider which handled the development of some internal system. It can be for example an ERP system built for the company internal needs. Such situation often happens when a key programmer, and the only person who has knowledge about […]
Piotr Lewandowski, 13 February 2019

Nintex – Partnership
Nintex is the market leader in end-to-end process management and workflow automation. The platform is used by over 5000 organizations around the world, including almost half of Fortune 500 companies – the list of 500 of the largest American companies. We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a partnership with Nintex. ImpiCode […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 31 January 2019