First Startup’s Steps in the Market
When the product is finally created (but still in the form of its MVP), the longed-for moment of entering the market comes. This is by far the most important moment in the history of each startup’s development. The engagement with the market is the final verification of the correctness of the product and business assumptions. […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 27 January 2021

First Startup’s Formalities
The startup environment is created not only by startups, but also by various programs, organizations, and institutions supporting the development of this ecosystem. Their offer may be more or less interesting, depending on the stage of business, but it is always worth considering possibilities. Substantive support It’s very difficult to build and develop a startup […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 13 January 2021

How to build a tech startup?
The first steps in the product building process should be taken carefully. No matter how you prepare yourself at the conceptual stage, you never quite know how your product will work. You also do not know how it will be received by the market. The creation of the final product should be preceded by a […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 30 December 2020

How to come up with a startup idea?
In many people’s opinion, a good idea is the foundation for a successful startup. This statement is only partially true because good implementation is also necessary. Laymen usually tend to forget about this and overvalue their ideas. This behavior is probably caused by the fact that among the most spectacular startups, a large part of […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 16 December 2020

IT systems – common problems
Troublesome IT systems Basically every Chief Information Officer has somewhere in the back of mind disturbing thought about one (or several) troublesome IT system. This thought stays dormant, but unfortunately it returns from time to time, evoked by some problem, failure or another intrusive question from business department about new functionality. But even, if none […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 21 October 2020

What should be my next step if I have a start-up idea?
When it comes to a start-up idea, it can be very difficult to define the universal to-do list. But we hope that the following list may be helpful as it includes the most important steps. Note: the list is designed for tech startups. However most of the points are universal and can be applied in […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 3 June 2020

Deadly sins of start-ups
In this post I would like to write a few words about my experience with start-ups. Firstly I have to explain that start-ups (or just people with ideas for a start-up) are contacting my company time and again. As we mainly provide programming services, everyone comes to us with practically one issue – they want […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 27 May 2020

What is bioinformatics?
Bioinformatics Bioinformatics is a discipline of science combining biology and computer science. However, as an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics descends from chemistry and physics. This article discusses the most important fields of bioinformatics research. The history Historically, the bioinformatics started to emerge from biological sciences, in particular from biochemistry and molecular biology in the […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 13 May 2020

NowaLed on the list of the fastest-growing European businesses by Financial Times
NowaLed on the FT 1000 list We are pleased to inform you that our client NowaLed ILL Sp. z o.o. is listed on the prestigious FT 1000 list (the list of one thousand fastest-growing companies in Europe) developed by the Financial Times. Congratulations! We wish further success to NowaLed! You can read more about our […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 30 March 2020