Examples of websites written in Angular
Angular is one of the frameworks most frequently used by developers for building efficient and scalable web applications. This front-end web technology was created by Google in 2016. Angular is a new and improved version of AngularJS, which is also a technology that allows developers to build complex applications (one-page apps) running on the browser […]
Piotr Lewandowski, 18 August 2021

Business process automation
A business process is a series of structured activities and tasks that must be performed to achieve a specific result. In every company, there are many business processes from different areas. Examples include recruiting employees, purchasing goods, and bookkeeping. As a company grows, business processes become longer and more complex. Therefore, it is not surprising […]
Piotr Lewandowski, 28 July 2021

IT systems – common problems
Troublesome IT systems Basically every Chief Information Officer has somewhere in the back of mind disturbing thought about one (or several) troublesome IT system. This thought stays dormant, but unfortunately it returns from time to time, evoked by some problem, failure or another intrusive question from business department about new functionality. But even, if none […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 21 October 2020

IT product development – scaling up
I was motivated to write this article by our last clients’ situations, who had a lot in common despite being from different sectors of the market. Situation plan Here are some aspects that these clients have in common: They offer B2B IT products. They were founded by developers who were the first coders in the […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 10 September 2019

Three pillars of a good IT project manager
Managing IT projects requires specific skills and experience. Succeeding in the market cannot be only based on the technical knowledge of a project manager. Equally important qualities for a dev team leader are interpersonal skills, thorough knowledge of the industry specifics, and a focus on the individual business goals of each client. The main purpose […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 23 April 2019

Developers outsourcing – unusual reasons
Chief Information Officers have different attitudes towards outsourcing. Some of them consider using the services of an external software developer as a great solution, others as a necessary evil, and other ones do not care about this cooperation model, because they form their own dev teams and do not want to delegate any work outside. […]
Grzegorz Papaj, 4 February 2019

IT system maintenance
Some companies tend to maintain their old IT systems, often in outdated technologies. The maintenance and migration of such systems are not easy tasks, as they involve several important decisions. As developers experienced in old technologies may sometimes leave a company, there is a high risk of losing support and development ability. Also, the software […]
Piotr Lewandowski, 2 May 2018